Sunday 18 August 2013

Legs Workout

Well, its finally here. My ultimate legs workout I have created so much hype about.

For my legs, I find I want these muscles to be the most powerful of my body, so I do legs up to 3 times a week (Out of a 6 day/week workout)

Of all the exercises I suggest, I do about 4 different exercises and I ALWAYS include toning my calves. These primarily work out Quads, Hamstrings, & Calves. At the same time, some are benficial for a stronger back and a firmer ass. I will indicate which ones


QUADS: (Most Common) Barbell Full Squat

For this, I have taken 7 months to SLOWLY build up my weight. Right now, I have about 80 aside. For my workout, I do this 3 times a week for about 8-10 sets. I start up with a warm up set and slowly add weight until I get to where I have to push myself. This is usually around 70-80 aside. I try to do about 4-5 sets of those and then push myself to the next weight level , doing 1 set of 3-4 reps. I finish with a cool down set, at a lower weight.

I highly recommend this method because you don't want to injure yourself right away.
This is highly critical if you have a bad lower back, and ensure you have proper structure. (I am a victim of this)

Also works:  Hamstrings, Glutes, Calves & Lower Back

Lunges 1) Bodyweight Walking Lunge

2) Dumb bell

3 )Barbell Walking Lunge

Also works: Hamstrings, & Glutes 


Similar to squats, I slowly build up my endurance until I hit a harder weight, then I do usually 5 sets of these. Right now aside is about 140lbs for me, and I do about 6-8 reps of each.

Plie Dumbell Squat:

Also works: Hamstrings, Calves, Glutes and Abs

Leg Press (With Machine)

Similar to my squats, I slowly build up to my highest weight and do around 4-5 sets of these, then do a couple cool down sets. I stand now at almost 4 plates aside

*Excellent workout to calves as well

Thursday 8 August 2013

Plank July

Wow ! I always feel like it has been so long since I have written here. I  guess that is what happens when life gets busy!!

Despite how busy my life gets, I always make time to maintain my healthy lifestyle and working out. This week has been 4 for 4 now and I still feel fantastic! I have conquered 2 killer legs days, 1 tricep bicep and 1 shoulder trap day.  As well, this August I decided it was time that I start getting back into my cardio. So for my "non legs days" I have decided to slowlyy get back into a carido routine.

I cannot stress how important this is. I know I slacked on it for a while, but for the longest time I was trying to just gain weight; Not lose. But cardio helps increase heart rate, metabolism and a fantastic way to warm up your muscles and sweat away all those toxins accumulating in your body.

I will soon post various cardio exercises I recommend and their target areas to which they work the most.
So stay tuned!

As well this week, I have been doing a TON of baking and testing out new recipes for you all , that turned out amazing I must add!

As I post new ones, I will insert the links down below for you quick and easy access.

Of these include:

Creamy Rice Decoy Risotto
Almond Flour Chocolate Chunk Cookies
Quinoa Apple Crisp (And my many variations)
Mexican Shepard Pie

But back to the real reason why I made this post, was to share with you all my month of July!
For those of you who have been following, I said I had been doing a July Planking Challenge and when I was done, I would post it for you all to see. I ended up pushing myself harder and finishing up a few days earlier,  but still more or less followed this exact planking challenge:

Personally for me, I found this as almost a "beginner" planking challenge, So I re created a more intermediate one.
In a nutshell, for the 1-5 I did 30 sec easily
6-8 I did 45 secs.
9-10 1 min.
11- 1 min 15 sec
12-13 1.5 min
14-15 1 min 45 secs
16- 2 min
17- 2 min 15 secs
18-19 2.5 mins
20-21 2 min 45 secs
22- 3 min
23- 3 min 15 sec
24-25 3.5 min
26-27 4 min.
28 4 min 15 sec.
29- 4.5 min
30 5.5 min

Personally, I found It was better taking no rest days at all, but that is just my body type.
As well, increasing in 15 secs intervals was easier for me, rather than 30 secs , so I spread it out more.  Overall, I found this extremely helpful and will probably do it again come September.

Come back soon for those recipes I promised. And I will post my leg routine. It is just ALOT to post all at once so I am slowly working on it.

Stay Healthy

Tuesday 30 July 2013

Everything Free Pizza Dough

The title is no lie. I swear

This pizza crust is gluten, dairy, eggs, corn, yeast and sugar free but wait- Its still amazingly delicious. It still has flavour, is super easy to make, and a chewy crust. I don't even know how many times I have made this, but I know I am never going to stop.

The only down fall , is the amount of flour it requires, but in my opinion, it is so worth it.

** Not sure where the original source is from so you just have to trust one girls opinion

*This is how mine turned out , it tastes more delicious than it looks!!


2 Cups GF All purpose flour (See note below)
2 TSP Xanthan Gum
3 TBSP Vegetable oil
2 TSP. baking powder
1 Cup Carbonated water (See note below)

Combine all dry ingredients, then add in the wet.
Place on a pizza pan
Cook for 12-15 minutes and add the desired toppings
Cook for another 5-8 minutes to finish cooking the crust, and cook the toppings a bit

For the flour, I have used 2 different kinds of flour. The first time I used Bobs Red Mills GF All Purpose and the dough turned into a very stick consistency. It still tasted amazing , but it was just harder to work with.
But , the second time I used Robin Hoods GF All purpose, and the dough turned out much better. It looked and felt like actual dough, and was extremely easy to work with a form a pizza dough with. I have only tried this once , so if the consistency changes back when I make it again, I will update! (Robins used in picture)

For the carbonated water, I just used a can of Perrier and measured a cup worth!

Leave Reviews Below! And check back for updates. Also , read back soon for a post about flours I used to cook/bake with an reviews!

Stay Healthy!

Monday 29 July 2013

Flourless Cookie Dough


I can very much so follow through on my promises hey! Wow! I feel horrible. What a super busy week and a bit I have been having. I got a call last week from a family member, asking if I could work part time at her office this summer. Just a couple days a week.

Ha! No one told me that GST was due at the end of the month. I went from being home all day everyday to working full time and getting up at 5:30 everyday to work out before hand. Well,I am exhausted!

My day:

5:15- Wake up
5:30-6:30- Gym/ Working out
7-8:30- Get ready
9-4 Work
5-6 Start to prepare supper

And then I eat , clean up and by the time I am done its about 7:30. I am exhausted!! Hopefully things will begin to calm down once Wednesday rolls around.. Until then, I may no promises to blog everyday!

As well, I am leaving this weekend! It is just for the weekend but it will be a nice get away. My dad and I are going to Golden, BC tomorrow for some hiking and whitewater rafting. Should be a nice enjoyable and relaxing weekend hopefully. A ton of exercise too, which I look forward to.

So until my life gets back on track, I will post a super healthy and easy summer recipe for you all to try. I am a type of girl who can sit down and eat a whole containter of peanut butter cookie dough to myself-Whoops! But I always feel majorly guilty.

But I don't have to with this recipe! It is gluten, dairy, eggs and corn free. As well, the combination of chickpeas and peanut butter make it super high in protein and an ideal post workout snack I highly recommend.

This is derived from Chocolate Covered Katie , a blogger who I follow extremely closely too and love so many of her recipes, so you all must check out her website

Anyways. Onto the recipe. Original Source:

How I style it up:

1 can of chickpeas
1/8 TSP baking soda
2 TSP vanilla extract
1/4 Cup peanut butter
1/2 Cup brown sugar
2 TBSP. rolled oats (Certified GF)
1/3 Cup chocolate chips (Enjoy Life Dairy Free)

Just blend all ingredients, but the chocolate chips, together in a food processor until smooth.
Add in the chocolate chips after and enjoy :)

*Myself personally, I don't have a food processor (yet) so in my first attempt, I used a hand blender/masher
In my second though, I ground up the chickpeas in this nut crusher, then added in all the ingredients to that and just blended as much as I could. It worked out amazing

Friday 19 July 2013

Breakfast For Supper

[X] Breakfast for supper!

Well, I can finally cross that off my life bucket list.

Yesterday was extremely hot here. We don't get to many of those days, but when we do, its wicked hot! And on those days , who really actually enjoys cooking? Not me!!

So my mom and I put our heads together and decided that why not just have breakfast? So that's what we did.

Usually, I'm not really a pancake kind of girl since its extremely hard to find a gluten free, vegan AND easy enough to make recipe. So, its been probably since the fall that I had a pancake.  But I was determined to have that perfect pancake with that perfect recipe. And surprisingly, I was very successful!

This gluten, dairy, egg and corn free recipe turned out amazing (with some of my special modifications of course) and was superrr easy to make!

Original Source:

My Version:
Yields around 3 medium sized

1 very ripe medium banana
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 TBSP. flaxseed meal with 3 TBSP water (Let sit for 3-5 minutes)
*Note. If you don't have a problem with egg
1 TBSP nut butter
*I used peanut butter (guilty)
1 TBSP. coconut oil
3 TBSP almond milk
1/2 Cup certified GF rolled oats
1/4 Cup certified GF All purpose flour
Handful of chocolate chips

1)If needed, prepare the flaxseed egg
2) Mash the banana with a fork and combine with the baking powder
3) Combine with the flaxseed egg, oil, nut butter and almond milk.
4) Mix well
5) Stir in oats and flour until just combined
6) Gently fold in chocolate chips
7) Cook on each side fr 2-4 minutes or until golden brown

Drizzle with maple syrup and enjoy!!

Tuesday 16 July 2013

Coconut Oil Oatmeal Cookies

First of all. Lets just do a quick checklist how how healthy this recipe really is.

Now quickly! With my version of these cookies, I myself used white cane sugar (I felt like I needed a sugar kick-How much can it REALLY hurt). But the original recipe calls for coconut sugar or sucanat, which would essentially make this recipe extra healthy.

But already this cookie recipe is gluten free, dairy free, egg free, soy free, AND corn free.  And the best part? They are freaken delicious! I have had to hide them in my room to keep me from gobbling them all up.

To substitute which should be margarine in this recipe- is coconut oil. Now I only recommend following the recipe if you don't mind the taste of coconut. Although its not a very strong flavour, the coconut is very noticeable. Personally myself, I especially like the taste of coconut and really, who can go wrong with all the added nutritional benefits of coconut oil?  (Let me know if you want a full post purely on coconut oil-I'd lovee to share my knowledge)

Such guilt free cookie. Like really. My sweet tooth daddy absolutely loved them. Now if I haven't convinced you by now, well, I guess you will just have to try for yourself!

But enough of my rants. Lets get to the recipe!

Original Source:

My version:
 1/2 Cup. White sugar
1/2 Coconut oil
1 TBSP water
2 TSP vanilla extract
1 Cup. All purpose gluten free flour (I used Bob Red Mills)
1 Cup. GF certified rolled oats (I used Bob Red Mills)
1/4 Cup. Shredded Coconut
1/4 TSP. baking soda
1/4 TSP. xantham gum (omit if your flour blend contains it already)

Optional:  1 Cup. raisins or DF chocolate chips

**Note. My first round cookie dough was very crumbly. But I just had to work with it. I will try it again and see how it turns out

  1. Preheat oven to 375 and line 2 baking sheets with parachment paper or lightly grease
  2. In a large bowl, stir together coconut oil, water, vanilla extract and sugar
  3. Stir in flour, xanthan gum, oats, coconut and baking soda until all thoroughly combined. 
  4. If adding extras, gently fold in the rest. 
  5. Scoop desired amount onto your baking sheet
  6. Bake for around 10 minutes, or until edges slightly brown.  Let cool for 10 minutes and then transfer carefully to a cooling rack

Monday 15 July 2013

Chest/ Back

When working out, it is essential to work on 2 or more muscle groups per workout, so you don't strain a particular muscle.  Often times, antagonistic muscles, or some in the same areas are the best to work out on the same day.

For myself,  I have

  • Tricep / Bicep / Shoulder
  • Chest / Back
  • Shoulders / Traps (More Trap focus but a good combination)
  • Quads, Calves & Hamstrings
These are essentially the ones I switch off between in the mornings, when I actually go to the gym. 
I myself tend to do 3-4 different exercises, and 3-4 sets of each, just depending on the mood. 

For chest and back, I tend to do 4 of these exercises and typically 4 sets of each. Also, I do chest and back in pairs and  will do 1 Chest, 1 Back , then break. This is to ensure I am getting an equal number of each in and nice evenly toned muscles.

(The following are links to a website which will show you step by step how to do it)

Chest: Barbell Chest Press

Butterfly (With a machine)

Decline Dumbell Chest Press

Regular Dumbell Chest Press

Dumbell Flies 
* Essentially, this is just butterflies using dumbells and lying down. 

Machine Chest Press

The most basic exercise for chest is actually the push up. Yes it is boring and repetitive. But , you could easily switch it up.  Try it with your feet on a bench, against a wall or simply just changing the width and positions of your hands. This is especially good for those without any equipment or gym membership

Back: Close- Grip Front Lat Pulldown (Machine Based)

Elevated Cable Rows (Machine Based)

Wide-Grip Front Lat Pulldown

Wide-Grip Pulldown Behind the Neck

**These exercises all work your LATS (latissimus doris)

One Arm Dumbbell Row

Seated Cable Row

**These exercises all work your Mid Back 

The most basic exercise to work your back is essentially chin ups or pull ups.  This is basically without equipment or even a gym membership. Like push ups, you can make many variations of these as well, but in the end, they will mainly work your LATS